Problem: Matrix Rotation
You are given a square matrix of dimension N. Let this matrix be called A. Your task is to rotate A in clockwise direction byS degrees, where S is angle of rotation. On the matrix, there will be 3 types of operations viz.
- Rotation
Rotate the matrix A by angle S, presented as input in form of A S
- Querying
Query the element at row K and column L, presented as input in form of Q K L
- Updation
Update the element at row X and column Y with value Z, presented as input in form of U X Y Z
Print the output of individual operations as depicted in Output Specification
Input Format:
Input will consist of three parts, viz.
1. Size of the matrix (N)
2. The matrix itself (A = N * N)
3. Various operations on the matrix, one operation on each line. (Beginning either with A, Q or U)
-1 will represent end of input.
Input will consist of three parts, viz.
1. Size of the matrix (N)
2. The matrix itself (A = N * N)
3. Various operations on the matrix, one operation on each line. (Beginning either with A, Q or U)
-1 will represent end of input.
- Angle of rotation will always be multiples of 90 degrees only.
- All Update operations happen only on the initial matrix. After update all the previous rotations have to be applied on the updated matrix
Output Format:
For each Query operation print the element present at K-L location of the matrix in its current state.
For each Query operation print the element present at K-L location of the matrix in its current state.
1<=K, L<=N
Sample Input and Output
SNo. | Input | Output |
1 | 2 1 2 3 4 A 90 Q 1 1 Q 1 2 A 90 Q 1 1 U 1 1 6 Q 2 2 -1 | 3 1 4 6 |
import numpy as np
def rotate(x, n):
length = len(n)
# matrix transpose
for i in range(length):
for j in range(i, length):
n[i][j], n[j][i] = n[j][i], n[i][j]
# rotation clockwise
for i in range(length):
for j in range(int(length / 2)):
n[i][j], n[i][length - 1 - j] = n[i][length - 1 - j], n[i][j]
return n
size = int(input("enter size of matrix:"))
if 1<=size<=1000:
print("Enter Matrix Values:")
m = list(map(str, input().split(" ")))
n = np.array(m,int).reshape(size, size)
initial = np.array(m,int).reshape(size, size)
for i in range(len(n)):
for j in range(len(n)):
if 1<=n[i][j]<=1000:
print("Matrix Values Is always >=1 and <=1000.")
angle = 0
c = input("Enter option:")
if c == 'A':
x = int(input("Enter angle for matrix rotation:"))
num = int((x / 90) % 4)
while num>0:
n = rotate(angle, n)
angle += x
elif c == 'Q':
x = int(input("enter row:"))
y = int(input("enter column:"))
if x>size or y>size:
print("Given Values is greater than Matrix size")
elif c == 'U':
x = int(input("enter row:"))
y = int(input("enter column:"))
z = int(input("Enter New Value:"))
n= initial
n[x - 1][y - 1] = z
num = int((angle / 90)%4)
while num>0:
n = rotate(angle, n)
elif c == '-1':
print("Wrong Input!!")